The Clan Rules

  1. You must not swear
  2. You must not insult other players
  3. You must do what your leaders say unless they tell you not too :)
  4. You must attend every clan match you are picked for. If you can't make it then tell Peppe or Bob
  5. You must not read this
  6. You must not tell people the password for the members area
  7. You must have fun
  8. You must be kind
  9. You must listen to the leaders at all times

Major breaking of rules 1,2,4 and 6 can result in you being kicked out of the clan. Don't worry we are usually nice :).

The main page

The Mean Team Extreme Clan was created by --{MTE}--Red Hot Killing Peppe and --{MTE}--Mjr.Bob in 2002